Kitten Season

What is it? And what do we do?

Warm weather is coming, and with that, waves of kittens will follow.

Everyone loves kittens! With their adorable little ears and big eyes and incredibly playful disposition, kittens are beloved around the world. So when you imagine waves of kittens appearing at your door, it may sound like a dream. But the reality of kitten season is a lot harder to deal with.

While it may sound like heaven to some, the words kitten season can send any cat rescuer into an immediate panic. While a single litter is manageable, a hurricane of them can quickly overwhelm a rescue team, and is a guaranteed way to deplete resources. It is even harder with younger kittens. Kittens under the age of four weeks need a lot of individual care, and if they are brought in without their mother, their chances of survival drop significantly. This takes a huge toll on the time and heart of the fosters who take charge of them.

Southeast Texas Kitten Season

What are the challenges that cat rescues face during kitten season? And is there a way to help?

In most places, kitten season lasts during the warm months of summer. However, in Southeast Texas, our climate is naturally warmer, leading to a much longer kitten season, often ranging from early March well into the winter months. In addition, cats are unique in that they can reproduce multiple times a year, given the right circumstances. With our extended warm season, this means that a single unspayed female can have up to three litters in just one summer.

In addition to this, there are many people in the surrounding area who are adamant on not fixing their cats. This leads to many unwanted litters that could be very easily prevented.

Southeast Texas Kitten Season

Okay, so I get it, there are a lot of kittens. So what? Well, lets discuss what this truly means for cat rescues.

The biggest challenge is in the fact that kittens are major time and resource sinks. A single litter of kittens under the age of 4 weeks require feeding every several hours, and feeding just one kitten can take anywhere between several minutes to half an hour. Additionally, kittens under a certain age need to be manually stimulated to be able to use the bathroom, a task that is normally done by their mother.

However, for many cat rescues, the biggest challenge of kitten season is dealing with just how many kittens simply don’t make it. Even with all of the care in the world, some kittens simply can not survive their early weeks, and even more can not survive without their mother specifically. The emotional turmoil that fosters go through each summer is insurmountable.

Well that was sad. Is there anything nice in this blog?
Yes. Let’s talk about the good part now! What can you do to help?

Southeast Texas Kitten Season

Due to the universal struggle that shelters and rescues feel across the world during this season, there are fortunately many resources and collaborative programs that have been designed to deal with this particular flood.

Likewise, it is during hard times that heroes often emerge. Kitten season often brings out the best in rescues and fosters, and with the proper training and resources, many individuals step up to the plate to help protect the true victims of kitten season.

So what can I do to help?

Fortunately, there are tons of easy ways to support shelters during this troubling time. Fostering is one simple way, and with Adopt Me Meow, doesn’t have to cost you anything extra. Even if you don’t feel comfortable caring for kittens, becoming a foster can take the strain off of those who do care for the youngest cats in our collection. But what if you don’t or can’t foster? What else can you do?

Well, donations are the next obvious step. Monetary donations are obviously helpful, particularly with the high vet bill that occurs during this season, however, they are not the only way of providing. Donating things like spare cat food, blankets, towels, and old pillows are easy ways of supporting your local cat rescue team. There are also lots of cool DIY projects that can help support us, such as sewing cat hammocks with spare fabric scraps and building outdoor shelters. You can also help support their shelter by raising awareness. Sharing, liking, and commenting on social media posts are a quick and free way of spreading the word and drawing in more supporters.

So, while kitten season can be a challenge, it’s best to not get disheartened. Despite the overwhelming odds, we can and will persevere, with just a little bit of help from our caring supporters.

Thank you to everyone who is helping to support us this season. You’re assistance has been a life saver!

Southeast Texas Kitten Season

2 Bros Media
Kym Ellis
Kalea Jerielle